Difference between a fake bag, Legal knock off (copy bag), and an original Designer bag.
Knowing the different types of bags will enable you make an informed choice about the purchase of any.
An illegal(fake bag) pretends to be the original thing, right from the tags, logos and charms etc. fake bags copy everything about the original and then claim to be the original by carrying the same name with no effort to identify itself as a look alike. prices of fake bags vary from very cheap to actually selling it almost same price as the original.This category of bags are the most common today.
The problem with this category of bags is that the manufacturers do not make any attempt to use high quality materials in most cases, therefore the bags go bad asin they get rusty or torn in no time, making the buyer penny wise pound foolish, because you can use 1 original bag for 10 years, and also use 10 fake bags in a year.
Such bags can last almost as long as the real designer ones. examples of such bags are mostly found in America, Italy and Dubai; these bags are on display as designer inspired bags.These bags are worth buying if you have the love for designer bags but cannot afford to spend so much yet.
the designers of this weapons of confidence have a reputation to protect, so they often come up with the best qualities, but in most cases we are not even paying attention to the quality of the bag, instead we purchase the labels, for example,
some of us would pay anything to get a Louis vuitton bag, not because its the best quality, but because it is Louis vuitton. tags, labels, signatures or marks stating the designers name form an integral part of the bags overall design and authenticity.
Be wise enough to go to good stores, be price conscious, if the price is extra ordinarily fantastic, then you need to further probe the genuineness of the bag, (something must be fishing).because designer bags are well crafted and are sometimesvstatus symbols, so they cost quite a fortune.
if you buy copy bags, make sure you don't spend too much on them, and do not also think because you bought a designer bag, you made a purchase of value, with a designer bag you are more or less buying the label which may not be pocket friendly except money is not ban issue for you.(anyway I trust you).
Always check a bag for its quality before its style and label because even some designer bags are not worth the price, imagine buying a Gucci jelly bag for N200,000 when you can easily and comfortably buy a Michael kors new season leather hobo bag for N60,000. BE WISE.
Go for young, up coming, or average designers who are excellent but not yet very pricey like Jessica Simpson, Guess, Paris Hilton, Betsey Johnson, River Island, Zara, Cole Han, Tory Burch, Michael Kors. Fiorelli etc
Let your head be in charge of your wallet, and not your freaking 'I just have to own this label' heart.
ok,enough said, got to go. see you soon.
A genuine designer bag, hmmmmmmmm. a genuine designer bag in most cases speaks for itself and is worth it any time any day (if u ask me). these are bags made out of high quality materials, from leather, calfskin, jelly, patent to the almighty croc skin, and carry designer labels. such bags are very pricey from hundreds of thousands to even millions(Hermes).
the designers of this weapons of confidence have a reputation to protect, so they often come up with the best qualities, but in most cases we are not even paying attention to the quality of the bag, instead we purchase the labels, for example,
some of us would pay anything to get a Louis vuitton bag, not because its the best quality, but because it is Louis vuitton. tags, labels, signatures or marks stating the designers name form an integral part of the bags overall design and authenticity.
Be wise enough to go to good stores, be price conscious, if the price is extra ordinarily fantastic, then you need to further probe the genuineness of the bag, (something must be fishing).because designer bags are well crafted and are sometimesvstatus symbols, so they cost quite a fortune.
if you buy copy bags, make sure you don't spend too much on them, and do not also think because you bought a designer bag, you made a purchase of value, with a designer bag you are more or less buying the label which may not be pocket friendly except money is not ban issue for you.(anyway I trust you).
Always check a bag for its quality before its style and label because even some designer bags are not worth the price, imagine buying a Gucci jelly bag for N200,000 when you can easily and comfortably buy a Michael kors new season leather hobo bag for N60,000. BE WISE.
Go for young, up coming, or average designers who are excellent but not yet very pricey like Jessica Simpson, Guess, Paris Hilton, Betsey Johnson, River Island, Zara, Cole Han, Tory Burch, Michael Kors. Fiorelli etc
Let your head be in charge of your wallet, and not your freaking 'I just have to own this label' heart.
ok,enough said, got to go. see you soon.
WOW Thanks for the advice and i thought i knew alot about fashion, its nice to know that there is someone just like me that is interested in fashion, ok so here's the deal......... i have a party to go to and i need a fantastic out fit to wear and im thinking winter tube skirt with mtv t-shirt :) YES or NO
ReplyDeletehey dear, tnx for dropping by, sure you can wear an MTV cropped t shirt, but I think wearing it with a skinny denim pant would be better than the tube winter skirt,(so U don't look too busy). hope I have helped. let us know how the party went....
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ReplyDeleteOMG!!these bags r so kool...every gal shud visit Zhena
ReplyDeletei totally agree with the fact that you should shop according to your pocket but seriously there is nothing like the original, even if u buy a fake or knockoff, u will always want to buy the real thing some day.... it doesn't just feel the same does it? the feel u get from a MARC JACOBS bag is TOTALLY different from a Louis Vuitton bag even though marc jacob is the creative director for LV...... no doubt they may have the same design but never in quality. The older a brand the more prestigious it becomes i.e HERMES (1837)..... so people QUALITY not QUANTITY
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with u dear...everybody has bin askin me about dat cole Han bag I got frm u